The Levy Recovery Group

Company Information

As the industry leader in our field, we provide expert services to companies of all sizes, including some of the industry’s most influential corporations such as Johnson Controls, Metaldyne, and Ford Motor Company. The ability to network directly with OEMs and Tier I manufacturers often provides the market that is needed to find the best overall value for our customer’s needs.

With over 30 years of experience in the machinery business, our management team has been instrumental in some of the industry’s most coveted sales – responsible for over $50 million in direct sales. We use our indirect influence as consultants for other firms and understand that it takes a multi-national approach to find the best value for your industrial machinery. We have spanned the globe to create a network of like-minded professionals who are dedicated to achieving the highest possible resale value for your industrial equipment.

We hope that you’ll allow us to show you that “Complete Asset Solutions” is not just a tagline – it’s what we deliver.